Research Proposal: What Does It Take to Be A Physician?

I stepped foot on this university knowing that I had eight years of intense higher education ahead of me. Although I know that being a pre-med/med student was not easy, it always astounds me how so many students begin their walk on this daunting path, but not many remain. I always wanted to be a surgeon, and witnessing a tragic drowning accident had fueled my aspirations. It made sense to me to make this connection and talk about how I would like to conduct research on the path to becoming a doctor. It is important that I, as well as those who are also pre-med majors, know what we are getting into, and to know what enabled pre-med and med students to continue their rigorous and competitive higher education to become successful physicians.
For this assignment, I plan to explore this question in my research by conducting interviews. I will be interviewing a senior pre-med student, who attends FSU, a med student, who also attends FSU, and a physician, who works with my mother at Jackson Memorial Hospital. I will ask them several questions that will give me insight about the difficulty of being a medical major, what drives them to becoming a doctor, what made them continue pursuing their major rather than switching to another major, and how the skills they acquired help them to give care in emergency situations.